
The Multilayered World of Brazilian Cachaça

Words by Matt Dursum Brazil’s national liquor is more than just caipirinhas. From complex and barrel-aged to crystal clear and resembling fresh pressed sugar cane, Cachaça holds its own as one of the most timeless and versatile flavors in the world of spirits.  What is Cachaça Cachaça, pronounced ka-sha-sa, is Brazil’s most popular spirit. It’s made by distilling sugar cane juice, similar to the rhum agricoles of the French Caribbean. Its cousin, rum, on the…

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Food Ingredients

Diving Into the Ingredients That Make Us: Cassava

Words by Matt Dursum Cassava, Yuca, Manioc, no matter what you call it, Manihot esculenta is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates in the world. It’s also delicious and versatile. Cassava is a tuber vegetable, similar to potatoes. Growing just below the soil surface, its tubers store nutrients and water for the plant to feed off during the next season’s regrowth. The plant itself, tall and lanky, produces edible leaves and can survive…

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The Funny Stages of Culture Shock 

Words by Matt Dursum Sure, I’ve squatted in a chicken coop, taken a bite out of a living and squirming fish, and greeted a group of men holding machetes with a nervous smile. But why did I feel the most out of place in Oklahoma?  Culture shock is a common feeling when we travel, and sometimes we even experience it at home. But what is it and why can it be so unbearable?  We can…

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Food South America

Inside the Flavors of Feijoada, Brazil’s National Dish

Words by Matt Dursum Like many national dishes, Brazil’s Feijoada comes from humble roots. In this hearty stew, beans, spices, and various cuts of pork, sometimes including the scraps like pork knuckle and pork ear, are cooked down to perfection. Feijoada is divinely flavorful and reflects the complex and sometimes painful history and cultural diversity of Brazil. Almost immediately after arriving in Brazil, I treated myself to an endless helping of the rich bean stew.…

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South America Travel

A Midwesterner’s First Impressions of Rio 

Words and Photos by Matt Dursum Rio, a city as alluring as it is intimidating, has always been on my bucket list. From listening to the melodies of Gal Costa to watching scenes of musician Seu Jorge play a bus driver in 2002’s cinematic masterpiece, The City of God, it has enticed me throughout my upbringing. Now, in April 2023, I finally get to experience Rio.  Rio de Janeiro, known globally as Rio, is a…

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