Asia Europe North America Travel

A Traveler’s Favorite Cities: Part 1

Last week I was sitting down at a bar with an acquaintance and over a pint of beer we chatted about life overseas. Simultaneously, we hit each other with a broad yet hard to summarize question, “what are your favorite cities?” I stewed over that question for a little too long and my answers went in circles. Finally, I landed on my top five and rambled off versions of the following reasons.  Tokyo I was…

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Food Ingredients North America

Diving Into the Ingredients That Make Us: Cranberries 

Words by Matt Dursum Cranberries, the tart and slightly bitter berries that many people eat only once a year in canned form. Why do we consume them and where do they come from? For this week’s article, let’s look closely at the berries that so many of us only eat in canned form.  The Original American Superfood The American cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, is a small shrub native to the Northeastern United States. Every fall, fruit…

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Food Ingredients North America

Best Meals From One Year in Latin America: Mexico

Words and photos by Matt Dursum A year ago, my girlfriend and I packed away a week’s worth of clothing, our computers, some electronics and gear, and jumped on a plane to Mexico. Our goal was simple. We were going to work remotely while living in Latin America. We are proud to say it’s been working.  One year in and all we can talk about is food. The cuisine we ate in Mexico and South…

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Food North America

Mushroom Hunting Memories for the Soul

Words and photos by Matt Dursum WARNING! DO NOT TREAT THIS AS A MUSHROOM HUNTING GUIDE. PLEASE DO NOT EAT WILD MUSHROOMS UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU IDENTIFIED THEM PROPERLY This October, my friends inundated my social media inbox with photos from their fall hiking trips in Michigan. They included every mushroom they found, knowing that I would be obsessively trying to identify them. The same weekend, I saw my favorite vlogger Alexis Nikole…

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Food North America

The Marvelous Food of Puebla, Mexico 

  Puebla, Mexico, is more than the photogenic facades and cobblestone avenues of its colonial past. Amongst the centuries old cathedrals, buildings, and monuments are food traditions that have withstood the test of time and have influenced Mexican cuisine like nothing else.  Today, Pueblan food continues to evolve from a fusion of traditional Pre-Hispanic cuisine and European influenced comfort foods. Award-winning chefs and international powerhouses in global cuisine have poured out of this landlocked state…

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