North America

The Ultimate Santa Barbara Weekend

All Photos by Samantha Demangate The Pandemic has chained everyone to their households. The insatiable itch to visit far off destinations full of adventures and life-changing experiences has reached a new intensity. People are looking forward to exploring the world around them like never before. When the pandemic finally ends and humanity can carry on living out their wildest fantasies, many people will book a flight to somewhere far away and exotic. Others will stay…

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North America Travel

American Highways, Road Trip Through America’s Heartland: California’s Palm Desert to Sedona, Az.

Photos by Samantha Demangate Waking up well rested and ready to take on another day of driving, my girlfriend and I packed up and hit the road. Miles of barren desert passed by us as the I-10 runs deeper into the Sonoran Desert. The harsh landscape stretched infinitely ahead. There are few places more humbling and disparaging than the deserts of North America. It’s hard to imagine that hundreds of thousands of people hike for…

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North America Travel

American Highways, Road Trip Through America’s Heartland

Day 1: Highway 101 to the 10 Road Tripping through America with a raging pandemic was no easy feat. Businesses are closed, national parks shut down, monuments abandoned. Yet, regardless of the obvious set-backs, many adventures and incredible experiences awaited us, as my girlfriend and I set off on a ten-day highway journey from California to Michigan. Because of Covid we were relegated to visiting America’s small towns and less visited areas, avoiding the cities…

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North America

On The Road To The Edge Of The World: Big Sur

If you’re coming from one of California’s sprawling webs of urbanity you’ve probably ventured, or at least thought about venturing either north or south towards the dramatic coastal landscape known as Big Sur. Dauntingly remote yet jokingly accessible from California’s two largest metropolis’, its draw has been contagious for decades. If you’ve driven the serpentine stretch of highway 1 that hugs the precipitous oceanside cliffs and forested canyons then you’ve probably either fallen in love…

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