Food South America

Inside the Flavors of Feijoada, Brazil’s National Dish

Words by Matt Dursum Like many national dishes, Brazil’s Feijoada comes from humble roots. In this hearty stew, beans, spices, and various cuts of pork, sometimes including the scraps like pork knuckle and pork ear, are cooked down to perfection. Feijoada is divinely flavorful and reflects the complex and sometimes painful history and cultural diversity of Brazil. Almost immediately after arriving in Brazil, I treated myself to an endless helping of the rich bean stew.…

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International Comfort Foods For the Home Cook

During the recent stay-at-home order, I’ve noticed many people on social media posting amazing photographs of creative recipes. Some, although visually stunning and most likely delicious, look hard to make and impractical to the average home cook. Standard home recipes get repetitive, and many people are actively searching for easy, yet exciting, new dishes to try that anyone with basic cooking skills and limited space and utensils can do. With this in mind, I’ve included…

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